
Infant Child Infected with GENITAL WARTS in STATE CARE

Life without Barriers gets millions of dollars each year and has been found, again, to be doing nothing more than supplying easy targets to paedophiles. An infant child with genital warts on his anus., and complaints about sexual abuse by this man, and Life Without Barriers has the audacity to state they followed all the guidelines?  Is this for real?

DoCS everywhere are taking innocent 20 minute old babies from their mothers because they, in the words of our lovely DoCS workers, "cannot protect the children" ... so why the fuck does Life Without Barriers still get more victims?

This is not the first time.  There are thousands and thousands of cases nationwide where agencies such as Catholiccare and Barnardo's place children with known sex offenders.  Alecomm still has cases on its books where children are still with known sexu offenders, yet the Minister for Child Trafficking, Linda Dirtbag Burney see's to it that the kids stay with the pedo's.

As Linda Burney states "she grew up without her father", so punish all the innocent children and make them grow up without their families Linda?  Let them be raped and sodomised from infancy just because you were a stolen generation?  You obviously learnt nothing did you.  Nothing more than a half a million dollar a year hypocrit, Linda will no doubt find some way to excuse all these organisations and the constant stench of abuse that flows from these NGOs that will under no circumstances help assist a family or send a child home.

Why in God's name would they want to when they can get $15,000 per fortnight for a class full of kids?  Not a chance those kids are going home - that's their pocket money.   And obviously who cares that the kids are being given to sexual predators because so long as the NGos are happy and the likes of Linda Dirtbag Burney keep getting their half a million dollars a year for trafficking the children nobody is going to do a bloody thing about it.

Pablo Escobar's got nothing on Linda - because her illegal business of child trafficking as compared to drug trafficking - HAS BEEN LEGALISED!

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