
Dapto DoCS' caseworker Karleen Dove should be sacked

This beautiful girl was stabbed in the head a few days ago and left to die by her father.  Prior to this, her mother had begged DoCS Wollongong staff for assistance, (engaged the services) as she had concerns for her childrens welfare, but as usual (as we all know) the Department of Community Services staff refused to lift a finger. 

Now that they have completely failed this family, they have kidnapped the rest of the children and told the mother that as she is"unable to protect her children" they have to go into the system, where thousands of people benefit financially from the worldwide of racket of child trafficking hiding under the guise of child protection.

Why is it common practise to punish the victims, particularly when they have engaged the services and asked for assistance?  Why do Department of Community Services take children from fit parents (who are victim to another person), that our society and imparticular our fat lazy arsed police, cannot be bothered controlling?  Were these DoCS workers the psychopathic bullies at school, who, when a victim went to the teacher for help, all got together and turned and twisted the stories around to make out the victim was the offender?

When did our human rights go out the window?  and we start acting like third world people that do not care about right and wrong?  And what is the point of being part of so many conventions that portray to help assist our human rights when DoCS are rewarded for walking all over them.  Its about time the government started towing the line because as far as we see it, anybody that poses a threat to our children, if we don't kill them off first, are going to cause us to lose our children - and we can cite this for so many cases we have registered here alone.  I cannot imagine how many the Ombudsman have seen that still refuse to assist the victims. 

If we don't or cannot protect our children, it seems the government will not protect us or our basic human rights and instead they just take our children.  So do we just murder anybody that could cause us to lose our families if we week assistance from the government?  It would seem these measures are a little extreme, however if the government are only going to pretend that they care about human rights and are going to continue to traffick our children with any piss poor excuse, then maybe it is the only option for victims of violence with whom the government seems to just want to exploit, because they can make a few bucks off us.

Getting back to this case at hand, and to add further insult to injury, DoCS workers have cut back the mothers visiting times saying that she is their (DoCS) daughter now. 

Seriously, how much more can DoCS violate this family's basic human rights, and imparticular those that say that the mother and child are entitled to special protection by the state before somebody with balls does something about the complete irresponsibility of those in the child protection arena, before it is going to be seen as an international conflict?

And if a case like this is not enough for authority figure heads to start taking action, like Iron woMan Annette Gallard, Linda Puppet Burney and our Ombudsman, ICAC, and the Australian Crime Commission, then i dont know what is.

made with love from Joomla.it - No Festival


+1 #2 RE: Dapto DoCS' Caseworker Karleen Dove Should Be SackedGuest 2013-10-30 15:42
Karleen Dove NEVER worked at Dapto DoCS, so people should get their facts right before slandering innocent people.
+8 #1 RE: Dapto DoCS' Caseworker Karleen Dove Should Be SackedGuest 2010-11-29 22:25
In order to cover their NEGLIGENT and GUILTY arses .... you can bet your life on it that the lies and persecution of this heartbroken and traumatised mother of this beautiful little girl who asked them for assistance, support and intervention will be shredded into tiny little pieces during their dpt cover up, file tampering, false risk of harm reports and of course not forgetting those bare faced lies they have been so very well trained to tell in the event that they seriously fuck up AS THEY HAVE.

DoCs will do Whatever it takes ....as low as we know they'll go to take down another innocent victim and her children.

I am utterly and deeply sickened by the levels of the abyss that this unscrupulous, unethical, immoral, and inhumane Child Protection Dpt will stoop to in order to hide from the NSW public the festering monster that it is.

The Wollongong CSC staff re: Caseworker...Ca semanager...Cli ent Service Manager and Regional Director should all be immediately sacked ! Not be given the time and oppurtunity to COVER UP THE TRUTH of their severe negligence to this mother and her children after her cries for HELP were completely ignored.

DoCs are exempted when it comes to HUMAN RIGHTS.

Their Crimes against Families are also exempted.

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