
DOCs / Child Protection Terminology

If you're new to the Child Protection System, you may find it quite daunting.  So many words in their reports and all of it so very confusing.  We at Alecomm are determined to make a difference in the way that DOCs / Child Protection staff and the community interact, and to help build a repaul, so we have compiled some of the most common words and phrases, which you can find in most reports and defined what they actually mean.

  1. "Did not engage the services" - means you have previously asked government departments for help and been denied, and then DOCs caseworkers will state that because you were denied such assistance that you did not engage them.  Doesn't matter if it was the other way around, this is not how it works.

  2. "Is not suitable person to be around children" - this means that you have exercised your human right to freedom of speech and interaction and exchange of ideas with other persons and your casemanager does not like what you have to say.

  3. "Has 21 Apprehended Violence Orders against the Mother" - means that mother has never had an apprehended violence order taken out on her, and whether the judge has been told or not, DOCs will continue to use these lies to ensure the child will be put into the system and abused until he / she turns 18 years of age, or dies first. (as per the legislation).

  4. "Parent is Violent" - means that you have been pushed to your limits and possibly raised your voice to a casemanager or proven that you are a fit person, and intimidated the caseworker / manager.   You can be guaranteed that CPS workers will inform Mental Health that you have issues, and will (and sometimes successfully - such as with Julie Brown) have you committed.  Then they will state because you have mental health issues you are not capable of looking after your child.

  5. "Mother is Paranoid" - means that there is evidence beyond a doubt that sexual abuse and or rape has occured to their child whilst in the care of the department.

  6. "The Children are Settled in their New Placement" - means that DOCs / Foster Care / Child Trafficking Agencies have had enough time to take the children to the DOCs paid for psychiatrists and have the child that highly medicated that they can hardly move, let alone talk anymore or cry for their family.

  7. "In the Best Interest of the Child" - means "in the best financial interest" of the child trafficking / money pilfering corrupt lying caseworkers / managers / lawyers / foster agencies.

  8. "To follow any reasonable request by department" - means you are "negligent" towards the needs of your child, unless you comply with every unreasonable request by the department including abusing your own children.

  9. "Court Ordered Contact" - well everyone knows this means absolutely jack shit because DOCs do not have to abide by any orders set by the courts, so even if you think you are going to get to see your children, think again.

  10. " Inappropiate" means you are telling your child how much you love them.

  11. "Anxiety" is when all your child wants to do is return home, tells you this and DOCs workers hear this, and consequently you will get no more visits !
  12. "Child Abuse" means your child has had an allergic reaction to a MOSQUITO BITE - thus DOCs will take your children regardless of doctors affidavits stating this was a mosquito bite or not.

  13. "There Has Been Alcohol Related Violence" means you provided a person medical assistance after he was beaten into a coma at your local hotel.

  14. "He is obsessive about treatment required for his children" - means that there is substantial evidence requiring some form of medical assistance need for the child, but as DOCs only pass 10% of their 2 billion dollar slush fund to families, you wil not get this assistance and be labelled a pain if you continually ask for help which your children are rightfully entitled to under Children and Young Persons Acts

We hope this information is helpful to you all, and if you have any more you would like to add to our dictionary to help others and investigating authorities, please put them in via our comments.


+3 #2 Guest 2010-09-28 12:55
When children in care show signs of exitement before a contact visit with parents and siblings....DoC s caseworkers translate thier exitedness to SEVERE ANXIETY and get thier unprofressional psychologists to back them up.

The psychologist of course never attend the contact visits to wittness the truth of the children's exitement, but will still write up for DoCs that it is ANXIETY.

These people are WICKED
+6 #1 Guest 2010-07-22 09:56
They have an invented dictionary/lang uage of thier own in order to decimate the truth.

The more they lie...the more children they get to take away from families and this means MORE MONEY.

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