Over the past decade, the global scientific community have begun to recognize the unmatched value of an extraordinary drug, ivermectin, that originates from a single microbe unearthed from soil in Japan. Work on ivermectin has seen its discoverer, Satoshi Ōmura, of Tokyo’s prestigious Kitasato Institute, receive the 2014 Gairdner Global Health Award and the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, which he shared with a collaborating partner in the discovery and development of the drug, William Campbell of Merck & Co. Incorporated. Today, ivermectin is continuing to surprise and excite scientists, offering more and more promise to help improve global public health by treating a diverse range of diseases, with its unexpected potential as an antibacterial, antiviral and anti-cancer agent being particularly extraordinary.
The biased and unbalanced views of child protection by mainstream media
- Details
- Category: Child Protection
- Created: Monday, 21 August 2017 09:12
- Written by The Chairman

Can someone please explain why the Australian Newspapers to not appear to print a balanced view of child protection? All they ever print is how hard done by the caseworkers are (even when they allow a child to be harmed), yet only print how bad parents are. In fact, even the worst parents do most of the caring for the children, and caseworkers do nothing practical for the children. All they ever do is paperwork. So long as they get their paperwork done everything appears OK.
Why are parents time pressures and needs not printed ever, to ensure proper community supports for parents, but the papers are fixated on staffing levels and the daily routines of handsomely paid social workers?
Here is the SMH complaining about staffing level on behalf of social workers : Click here And here they are again complaining about the daily routine... They claim to be really busy but appear to have enough time to lobby and talk to the newspapers ... Click here. What a joke.
Protected to death in 2014 by the NSW Foster Care System
- Details
- Category: Child protection statistics
- Created: Friday, 18 November 2016 18:10
- Written by Administrator

In 2014, 79 children died in NSW. 11 of those children were in out of home care. [1] This means that 7 % of the children who died were removed from parents [alive] and were protected to death by the department [FACS].
There were 1,400,000 children under the age of 15 years in NSW in 2014, [2] leaving a total of 1,373,576 children not in OOHC. And of those children, 68 died. There were 26,424 in out of home care NSW in 2014. [3] And of those children [in care] 11 of them died.
This means that:
- The rate of children dying in foster care is 1 child death per 2,402 children.
- And the rate of children dying not in foster care is 1 child death per 20,199 children.
[1] http://www.abc.net.au/worldtoday/content/2016/s4577393.htm
[2] http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/Previousproducts/3235.0Main%20Features152014?opendocument&tabname=Summary&prodno=3235.0&issue=2014&num=&view=
[3] https://aifs.gov.au/cfca/publications/child-abuse-and-neglect-statistics
The Government is trying to control the narrative in regard to the arrests that have occurred as part of Operation Noetic
- Details
- Category: Australian Antipaedophile Party
- Created: Sunday, 20 October 2019 21:35
- Written by Charles McGavin
They are claiming that there is a large child abduction network throughout Australia. Don't allow yourself to be taken in by the narrative that is being provided and reported by mainstream media. They are trying to make out that the two men and their connections who have been arrested, are criminals. They are not. They are heroes, every single one of them.
The catastrophic crisis in the family courts and connected child safety systems has dramatically imploded. It has reached a point where these systems themselves are charging and jailing advocates and professionals who are desperately trying to protect children, after their parents find that legal remedies have hit brick walls where the abuse of their children is often disregarded through inadequate investigations and misconduct.
Australian Federal Police use Operation NoEthics to conceal claims of police misconduct and intimidate a potential witness.
- Details
- Category: Australian Antipaedophile Party
- Created: Wednesday, 03 July 2019 20:44
- Written by Mishka Hudson
Mishka is a family violence advocate and potential witness in the Operation Noetics AFP investigation, where controversially, a parent and grandparent have been charged with stealing their own children.
These caregivers strongly claim that they were protecting their children from high risk family court orders, which placed these children at significant risk of harm.
Mishka alleges that the AFP are interfering with a potential witness, namely herself, involved in the AFP Operation Noetics through using Orweillian intimidatory tactics similar to those seen in the recent ABC raids. She believes that this is to hide the misconduct and gravely flawed police investigations and heavily biased wider operation which is protecting alleged perpetrators of significant child abuse.
When children must be saved from their saviours
- Details
- Category: Child Protection
- Created: Saturday, 17 June 2017 09:32
- Written by Richard Wexler