
Bunbury DCP knowingly force false charges against innocent mother

I wish to share something, it is documents where all names have been removed but shows an innocent person was convicted of at least 2 crimes that DCP knew, as of 22nd January 2009, were placed upon the wrong person. The mother plead guilty, to 3x common assault and was convicted with a 12 month suspended jail sentence and an 18 month ISO. She did this to protect her children from further trauma of attending a court to testify against their mother by order of dcp. Even with evidence to convict the father, who already had 4 convictions of grievous bodily harm on a 4 year old, dcp pursued the criminal convictions against the mother. Her children were also removed, 6th, March 2009.
Evidence dcp has on file proved she was innocent 22nd January 2009, yet they continued to pursue her.
Left photo is a court reporter's investigation of dcp records. Right is the the charges faced by the innocent party that she was later convicted of in November 2009 after dcp threatened her children with further trauma.


Foster care and it's horrible truth

Every day we see more and more horror stories about foster care, more and more children are either dying or being abused while in care. The public may think that these children would be abused if they had of stayed with their biological parent and in some cases this is in fact very true. However, we have things call 4 week, 6 week, 6 month and 12 month orders we also have 18 year orders of which go through the judicial system called the family youth court. A lot of people may be surprised to hear this but for any child protection order, the claims do not have to be proven beyond reasonable doubt but simply on a balance of probabilities. This means that children are court ordered away from their parents because there is a chance something may happen. This does not mean it will, ever has or ever would happen. Now, this means that claims from phone line and in person complaints can be used and called evidence against you in the court room. This means that anyone can call in and say that you're taking drugs, abusing your children, not feeding them & beating them without any of these things actually happening. It is assumed that CPS will not involve themselves unless it is an absolutely terrible situation, however this assumption is incorrect. How come we see so many children dying in foster care or being abused but yet when the parents of the children being removed and placed in these dangerous homes cry out asking for help or publicity everyone turns a blind eye to what is going on? There is an assumption that parents who's kids have been removed are bad people. This is not true, in 4 week orders CPS apply to have children removed from their parents home to do an "assessment" one of the things that they assess the parent on is a thing called parental capacity, this process of assessing parental capacity is literally going to an appointment with a physcologist who is "trained in the field". You only have to go here once for them to say that they either need further assessment or that they do not think you should have your child. This is a 1 and a half hour process that decides your childs future for the rest of their and your lives. Now if this physcologist says they need to further assess you CPS will then apply for a 6 week, 6 month or 12 month order to get the assessment done. Now, this is 4 weeks of being ripped away from their parent and on top of that another 6 more because CPS failed to complete their job properly. I would like you all to think about the kind of damage this does to a child. On top of this any false allegations they wish to make, for example if they were to lie and say your house was disgusting and unfit for a child to live in they do not need to provide proof of this only case notes which are exactly what they sound like they are notes written on a notebook. ANYTHING can be written in case notes, these are the notes they use in court and call proof. This along with whatever the physcologist has said that they think of you from your 1 and a half hour visit determines whether or not you get your children back or they go for a 12 month or 18 year order. In a 12 month order they can either decide to go for an extended 6 months or 18 year order. This so called "evidence" is nothing more then hear say and whatever those workers feel like writting about it.
If you think that this is fair then you may ignore what I'm about to say however, this at the least in my opinion is extremely unfair. I believe that accesses should be 100% recorded and that those tapes in their entirety should be seen by a jury and judge when applying for 18 year orders. Infact your entire case should be over seen by a jury if CPS wish to go for 18 year orders, this along with changing the standard from a balance of probabilities to beyond reasonable doubt will cause an extremely positive outcome for all australian families and their children. Any evidential information should be taken seriously and be able to be presented before a jury in 18 year orders. I call for justice within our judicial system and to stop the corruptness we now know as CPS. No one want children to be used like bargaining chips and to be used as nothing mroe then a number these are australias most vulnerable and helpless.. We need to be doing right by them, their families and our county.

DHS Victoria removed your children? Six things your solicitor won't tell you.

Firstly, don't think for a second it's you.  You are among at least 80,000 parents who have had their children nicked Australia wide in the past few years.  Australia, imparticular NSW has the highest rate of child removal per capita of anywhere in the western world.  The problem is the complete lack of accountability and transparency, that has accumulated in caseworkers not caring for a second about the child they are supposed to be protecting, and not having to abide by any laws along the way.  This also applies for the lawyers, the foster care agencies, other NGO's and court reporters as well as magistrates, who do nothing but rubber stamp whatever the child protection department want.  Remember, most magistrates are former lawyers, so they have barely two scruples between the lot of them.

Anyway, there are some things that you can educate yourself with, relating to children and family court proceedings in Victoria.

{phocadownload view=file|id=15|text=Emergency Orders|target=s}

{phocadownload view=file|id=15|text= Emergency care applications|target=s}

{phocadownload view=file|id=12|text=Conciliation conference addendum report guide|target=s}

{phocadownload view=file|id=21|text= Protection order policy|target=s}

{phocadownload view=file|id=20|text=Preparing the court report - advice|target=s}

{phocadownload view=file|id=9|text=Best interests case practice model|target=s}

Why does Melbourne Children's Court allow DHS solicitors to run the show?

The idea of a court is that two parties put forward their stories, their evidence and the magistrate makes  a decision based upon the legislation and requirements of government departments, and the statements of the parties, particularly that which is backed up with credible evidence.

So when a kidnapping is involved, why would anybody, particularly a magistrate, allow unsubstantiated evidence and statements to be given heavy weight when deciding if the kidnap is credible.

Cootamundra DoCS Office involved in Forced Sterilisations

Rebecca Cartright from Department of Community Services at Cootamundra in Central NSW recently forced sterilised a mother whom had her newborn stolen with yet again out any evidence.  Rebecca Cartright told this mother that unless she had a hystorectomy she would be prevented from ever seeing her beautiful daughter "AMY" again.

Seems like Nazi Germany is still here and that Eugenics has forced its way back into this country again.  Sadly enough neither the Ombudsman nor the Minister for Community Services have any interest in dealing with the corrupt and blatant violations of human rights that exists each and every day within their department, as each plea for help goes ignored.

*** UPDATE: Another foster child left for dead by Tweed Heads child protection caseworkers

Since publication of this article in 2013, neither DHS or any NGO have taken any responsibility for this young man.  He has been left homless, left with drug addicts receiving hefty foster care allowances to pay their drug habit, and he has been jailed twice.  All at the ripe old age of 18.  What hope is there for Aron, who was ripped from his mothers arms and left to rot in foster care until he was old enough to run away from the disfunctional placement he was given by people who claim to work in the best interest of the child. 

His mother begged for help for many years, has shifted from area to area after being told by NGOs that they are going to reunify her and her children.  What a cruel scam to run on a mum who only wanted the best for her kids.  None of the four children removed have ever been debriefed, they were just removed from their mothers life where there was no evidence of abuse or neglect and handed around to various foster carers and agencies where everybody flourished except them.

When will DoCS be held accountable for their crimes against humanity?

"Who is the Bigger ScrewUp? The DoCS Workers or the Foster Carers who make Kids call them Mum?"

yournotmurealmumFor those already privvy to the "Child Protection" system, you would already be aware that the Case Workers with DoCS or DCS or DCF or whatever they are, no matter where they are in the world get off on forcing kids to call carers "mum".  Its really quite sick and distressing particularly given how much most kids seem to shoved from pillar to post in the foster care system.  We at Alecomm know a (now) four year old boy who has had six "mums" since he was kidnapped from his own real mother.  You think thats not going to screw a kid up?

Whats even better is that they then force the children to call their real parents by their first name.  They even do it to grandmothers.  Having kids call their grandparents by their first name is just not on, not only does it confuse the child to no end, it is totally disrespectful.  If i had called my grandmother by her first name when i was a young child i would have been in a lot of trouble.  Having our apparent "child protection" workers, the ones that proclaim to care for kids, eforcing this type of behaviour is just plain low. 

"Political Assassins get $750,000 in Legal Aid - but boy murdered by Queensland Government gets told to pay for himself."

Luke Borusieiwicz was murdered under the (apparent) care of Queensland Child Safety over three years ago.  His father had beat drugs and alcohol, found work, obtained suitable accommodation but as usual, the thugs we have come to know as Child Protection weren't interested.  So they placed Luke with a 74 year old woman who had numerous other children in her care.  Luke was the youngest.

For weeks his father Michael sighted his son with bruises and abrasions, even on his private parts.  He notified Child Safety immediately on each occasion however his notifications were ignored, much as they do with any parent whom they have removed children from.  Child Safety / Child Protection do not like being told that they are doing more harm to a child than good and will go to extreme lengths to cover it up.

A few weeks later Luke Borusieiwicz was beaten into a coma with multiple head injuries, and there was no chance of Luke living.

"Support Jadeine's Fight Against DoCS NSW Tweed Heads"

Please DoCS NSW Tweed Heads DoCS Give my Brothers and Sisters Back

Below is the heartbreaking story of Jadeine.  Written by Jadeine, asking, begging, for help for her and her family.  The Department of Community Services NSW tore her family apart some time ago.  They separated her from all her brothers and sisters, and her parents, because of false allegations, and now false allegations, still unproven by JIRT.  DoCS NSW refuse to concede they were wrong and have moved half the siblings interstate to make it as difficult as possible for the children to see their parents.  To add insult to injury they're now trying to stop ALL CONTACT.  Seven more children; lives destroyed because the government refuses to prove beyond reasonable doubt that there truly is abuse happening to children before they remove them.  Even after removal, and after allegations can be disproved, DoCS still do not return children, even if the magistrate orders their return.  What is this world coming to.  ... Here's Jadeine's story - the young girl who should be out having fun and obtaining an education, who instead spends each and every day of her young life worried about her brothers and sisters she is now only allowed to see six times per year!


"Why are DoCS Caseworkers only interested in cases of "alleged" abuse by bio-parents and not foster-carers"


In the world of "Child Protection" one has to wonder the above question.  I mean seriously, if Child Protection workers are truly interested in protecting children, then why do they constantly ignore and coverup abuse of children whom they have placed?  Wouldn't it make more sense to just address the issue, and maybe even admit that they have made a mistake instead of blatantly covering up what has happened, or even worse, ignoring what is going on just because DoCS have made a bad placement.

So many children are being left in Out of Home Care placements where there is abuse, including sexual abuse.  Life Without Barriers and the Department of Community Services recently left a child in a placement where she was sexually abused by a visiting family member, yet they take children from their mothers for exactly the same incident happening, stating that they failed to protect their children?

"DHS Victoria allowed unlimited Bites at the Apple"

It must be good to be the king!Why is it that DHS Victoria are allowed multiple bites at the apple, fully funded by the tax-payers, when the public have to scrounge for the most basic legal aid assistance?

Recent documentation shows that DHS Victoria, namely Albury & Wodonga, have had over twenty FAILED attempts at proving a baby was in need.

There has never been any establishment to even prove that there was a need for the child to be in protection in any case, and furthermore all orders relating to the child - who is now three years old - are expired.

DHS Victoria still refuse to hand the child back to the mother.

It would appear that legal kidnap is happening here because they haven't proven that there was a need for the child to be placed in foster care in the first place, and the hearing that should have happened over two years ago to prove this, has an appeal in place for the same amount of time.

This means that DHS are currently being allowed to adjourn matters where there is no orders, and and continue to make out there is a case when there is not, to keep a child in care, that they haven't even proven need care in the first place.

Must be good to be the king!

"DoCS Gosford send Non-Autistic boy to Autistic School at Terrigal"

DoCS Gosford, Catherine Thraves and Co., have just recently enrolled a young boy, who DOES NOT HAVE AUTISM, into Aspect Central Coast - a school for children with autism at Terrigal.

You see, after stealing the child at a young age (for the second time), after the mother won restoration in District Court, they placed the young boy in a foster home of at least eight children.  Most of them have autism or some other intellectual disability.

This boy, is the youngest of eight children, and now as he is (obviously) mimmicking the behaviours of the older intellectually disabled children, DoCS Gosford have decided that he has autism and shall go to an autism school too.

What most people fail to see, is that the carers get around $500 per fortnight more, minimum, to have children with a disability in their care.  So of course, to have this innocent boy as assessed as having autism makes "good $en$e" now, doesn't it.
