
Is the big M in the air for John Aster and Michelle Stewart ?

The staff at Alecomm are wondering if marriage is on the cards for John and Michelle after a torrid twelve month internet affair that has spanned the global edges of cyberspace worldwide . The couple have been noted at many famous sites together exchanging sweet words together at a rate faster than a coke head having a snort in a snowstorm.  Michelle claims no such thing, however for those of us constantly having to see them sharing the love between each other, we say different.

Michelle claims alterior motives for constantly being in the presence of the self proclaimed CEO of AXJ (an internet website that we're not too sure exactly what they're doing apart from stating they're a global justice organisation), however one can only believe that a woman with a true deep down and extremely passionate love for such a man could follow him from one end of the earth to the other, relentlessly, each and everyday.

Alecomm would like to take the time to wish both Michelle and John a bright and  wonderful future in cyberspace, with all the joy that comes from such a loving and rewarding friendship, that is so oftenly professed in every forum and website in which they both frequent.