
"Australia : A country of slaves ruled by thieves and traitors."

anti-slavery australia 07de7Banks are thieves:

Variable interest rates render a contract fraudulent and void for uncertainty – common law.
Obtaining money by fraud is stealing – common law.

Judges are traitors:

No free man shall be dispossessed unless by the lawful judgment of his equals – magna carta.
Denying the right to trial by jury is treason – common law ...  down with slavery!

A slave has no right of consent.  A slave has no right to property.  A slave has no right to trial by jury.

“no free man shall be taken indeed imprisoned, or exiled or outlawed, or dispossessed, or destroyed in any way, nor shall we pass over him nor send over him unless by the lawful judgment of his equals which is the law of the land.” - magna carta 1215.

Australian Common Law Party - educating people to defend their rights.  www.Rightsandwrong.Com.Au


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