
"Pru Goward Boards the Corruption Train ... Full Steam Ahead."

  1. Ward of the State fee67There are 39,000 Children all up under DoCS /Facs NSW
  2. The Children in care of the State of NSW today ...Will be the Forgotten Australians of tommorow.
  3. Pru Goward states she desperately wanted the job of Community Services Minister

Before Pru got the job she also stated she would start sending children home to thier parents and families.
This is because she recieved literally hundreds upon hundreds of emails, letters and visits from parents and families of stolen children whilst in opposition and knew exactly what was going on in Child Protection NSW prior to the State election of March 2011.

Pru Goward is just another theatrical puppet for Government enforced Foster Mills headed up by Corporate NGO's, the old adage of State & Church now joined by Corporate blood sucking parasites who aim to earn as much dirty lucre as they can from the misery of NSW families and thier innocent children. The campaign is one of fear and class cleansing in order to employ thousands of middle class workers to assist the new corporate NGO's in thier supply on demand modus operandi.

Community Services NSW would have the general public believe that the caseworker exodus is due mainly to under funding and job pressures. Caseworkers are walking away from thier employement in child protection NSW due to work place bullying by superiors and managers who are forcing young caseworkers to go with the flow or suffer the consequences.These bullying Case Managers have been successfully indoctrinated by the hostile, toxic and malicious system that it is now better known as. FosterCarers are being bullied and victimised every bit as much as the parents of children who do not warrant State Care.

The complaints system is an absolute joke as it simply does NOT exist. The system will tell the complainant to refer back to the caseworker the complaint refers to..hows that for a major Governmental department joke. Annette Gallard DoCs CEO and damage controller who retired last year sent out substandard letters to hundreds of complainants on behalf of the Minister stating exactly the above...please refer your complaint back to the caseworker your complaint refers to.. By the way..Annette Gallard was successful in changing the Human Tissues ACTand led the review to have all State Wards made compulsory organ donors.One can only imagine the size of Miss Gallards retirement cheque.

Since Pru Goward became the new puppet on the string ...

We have thousands of innocent children being handed over to many of the abusers of the past ...i'm sure a great percent of us have read the recent demands for a Royal Commission into the Catholic Church and State institutional abuses of innocent children and Justice Woods got it so wrong when he recommended this tragic move.. The pityful sorries that have come about in the recent two from these churches and institutions do nothing for the one million victims who suffered being raped, buggarised and beaten as children in thier care and now we are going to entrust them all over again because of one meaningless word.
Forced adoptions are back in fashion and as you stated 18 years in state wardship via long term or permanent care equates to forced adoption..mind you the NSW politicians are all over adopion of children in care at the moment, thier gearing up to adopt out hundreds of children The labour wards are being raided all over NSW by DoCs baby snatchers , new borns less than an hour old are being ripped from their mothers arms before they are breast fed and delivered to

"Pru Goward pushing to abandon our basic human rights"

30803-clip-art-graphic-of-a-scared-and-nervous-brown-dog-cowering-with-his-tail-tucked-between-his-hind-legs-by-djartPru Goward has recently released the Child Protection Reforms Discussion Paper entitled "Child Protection: Legislative Reform Legislative proposals: Strengthening parental capacity, accountability and outcomes for children and young people in State care".

We're taking a punt on the fact that many caseworkers are whinging about the Preliminary DoCS Complaints Registers, and regardless of whether they are or not, guilty of the alleged offence, Minister Goward is taking the offensive in that her Caseworkers aren't committing the crimes they have been accused of on the registers.

Sadly enough, Alecomm staff have viewed enough casefiles to know this is not true, and that too many caseworkers are getting away with blue murder, and the destruction of thousands of children's lives, all to just punish ghosts of their own past.

With so much documentation proving that caseworkers are committing crimes, including kidnap and blackmail, violating the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights of both parents and children, and committing offences in the courts, offences that attract up to fourteen years plus jail, it is absolutely astounding that the Minister is turning a blind eye to it all.

We really need to get control freaks out of our government.

We really need to get control freaks out of our government. They're supposed to be public servants not Lords and masters. As someone who has suffered the irrational and corrupt way that child services deals with innocent parents I can say with confidence that unless your child is being starved, beaten, hog tied and kept in a dungeon they are better off with you than our crooked child agencies.

Cootamundra DoCS Office involved in Forced Sterilisations

Rebecca Cartright from Department of Community Services at Cootamundra in Central NSW recently forced sterilised a mother whom had her newborn stolen with yet again out any evidence.  Rebecca Cartright told this mother that unless she had a hystorectomy she would be prevented from ever seeing her beautiful daughter "AMY" again.

Seems like Nazi Germany is still here and that Eugenics has forced its way back into this country again.  Sadly enough neither the Ombudsman nor the Minister for Community Services have any interest in dealing with the corrupt and blatant violations of human rights that exists each and every day within their department, as each plea for help goes ignored.

*** UPDATE: Another foster child left for dead by Tweed Heads child protection caseworkers

Since publication of this article in 2013, neither DHS or any NGO have taken any responsibility for this young man.  He has been left homless, left with drug addicts receiving hefty foster care allowances to pay their drug habit, and he has been jailed twice.  All at the ripe old age of 18.  What hope is there for Aron, who was ripped from his mothers arms and left to rot in foster care until he was old enough to run away from the disfunctional placement he was given by people who claim to work in the best interest of the child. 

His mother begged for help for many years, has shifted from area to area after being told by NGOs that they are going to reunify her and her children.  What a cruel scam to run on a mum who only wanted the best for her kids.  None of the four children removed have ever been debriefed, they were just removed from their mothers life where there was no evidence of abuse or neglect and handed around to various foster carers and agencies where everybody flourished except them.

When will DoCS be held accountable for their crimes against humanity?

"Who is the Bigger ScrewUp? The DoCS Workers or the Foster Carers who make Kids call them Mum?"

yournotmurealmumFor those already privvy to the "Child Protection" system, you would already be aware that the Case Workers with DoCS or DCS or DCF or whatever they are, no matter where they are in the world get off on forcing kids to call carers "mum".  Its really quite sick and distressing particularly given how much most kids seem to shoved from pillar to post in the foster care system.  We at Alecomm know a (now) four year old boy who has had six "mums" since he was kidnapped from his own real mother.  You think thats not going to screw a kid up?

Whats even better is that they then force the children to call their real parents by their first name.  They even do it to grandmothers.  Having kids call their grandparents by their first name is just not on, not only does it confuse the child to no end, it is totally disrespectful.  If i had called my grandmother by her first name when i was a young child i would have been in a lot of trouble.  Having our apparent "child protection" workers, the ones that proclaim to care for kids, eforcing this type of behaviour is just plain low. 

"Support Jadeine's Fight Against DoCS NSW Tweed Heads"

Please DoCS NSW Tweed Heads DoCS Give my Brothers and Sisters Back

Below is the heartbreaking story of Jadeine.  Written by Jadeine, asking, begging, for help for her and her family.  The Department of Community Services NSW tore her family apart some time ago.  They separated her from all her brothers and sisters, and her parents, because of false allegations, and now false allegations, still unproven by JIRT.  DoCS NSW refuse to concede they were wrong and have moved half the siblings interstate to make it as difficult as possible for the children to see their parents.  To add insult to injury they're now trying to stop ALL CONTACT.  Seven more children; lives destroyed because the government refuses to prove beyond reasonable doubt that there truly is abuse happening to children before they remove them.  Even after removal, and after allegations can be disproved, DoCS still do not return children, even if the magistrate orders their return.  What is this world coming to.  ... Here's Jadeine's story - the young girl who should be out having fun and obtaining an education, who instead spends each and every day of her young life worried about her brothers and sisters she is now only allowed to see six times per year!


"Why are DoCS Caseworkers only interested in cases of "alleged" abuse by bio-parents and not foster-carers"


In the world of "Child Protection" one has to wonder the above question.  I mean seriously, if Child Protection workers are truly interested in protecting children, then why do they constantly ignore and coverup abuse of children whom they have placed?  Wouldn't it make more sense to just address the issue, and maybe even admit that they have made a mistake instead of blatantly covering up what has happened, or even worse, ignoring what is going on just because DoCS have made a bad placement.

So many children are being left in Out of Home Care placements where there is abuse, including sexual abuse.  Life Without Barriers and the Department of Community Services recently left a child in a placement where she was sexually abused by a visiting family member, yet they take children from their mothers for exactly the same incident happening, stating that they failed to protect their children?

"DoCS Gosford send Non-Autistic boy to Autistic School at Terrigal"

DoCS Gosford, Catherine Thraves and Co., have just recently enrolled a young boy, who DOES NOT HAVE AUTISM, into Aspect Central Coast - a school for children with autism at Terrigal.

You see, after stealing the child at a young age (for the second time), after the mother won restoration in District Court, they placed the young boy in a foster home of at least eight children.  Most of them have autism or some other intellectual disability.

This boy, is the youngest of eight children, and now as he is (obviously) mimmicking the behaviours of the older intellectually disabled children, DoCS Gosford have decided that he has autism and shall go to an autism school too.

What most people fail to see, is that the carers get around $500 per fortnight more, minimum, to have children with a disability in their care.  So of course, to have this innocent boy as assessed as having autism makes "good $en$e" now, doesn't it.

"The DOCS/FACS NSW Protest against Corruption"

never give up small 09be5Day ONE:
Meet at 9.00 am on 27 August 2013 outside the Downing Centre Criminal Courts 143-147 Liverpool Street SYDNEY.
This is the day that Jim Moore disgraced former Director General of DOCS/FACS NSW goes on trial for Domestic Violence - The Media will be in attendance to cover his trial.

Day TWO:
Protest continues outside the Electoral office of Pru Goward.
Meet at 10.00 am
288 Bong Bong Street BOWRAL NSW

This is a chance for all of us to unite in protest and present our struggle to the Media for our children. We need all family members victimised by DOCS/FACS NSW to attend, and ask that everyone be well dressed and well behaved - NO offensive language as we need to impress the media.

This will be our chance to be heard by the media.

Please start making plans for this protest and preparing your Banners to highlight the extensive failures of DOCS/FACS NSW.

Gosford Hospital Midwives are Massive Promoters of Child Trafficking

This mother had her baby stolen just minutes after this photo was taken.  No prior investigation, just a hand full of false accusations, and risk of harm reports filed by low-life nursing staff (alison) at gosford hospital.

Do you know that Alison considers herself to be more qualified than this mothers doctor, as she filed risk of harm reports stating that there was a risk of harm because the mother was taking medication that her doctor had prescribed ???

She then filed another risk of harm report stating that this mother had her previous child taken by docs also.  What a filthy liar you are alison midwife at gosford hospital.

Alison also filed risk of harm reports stating that this mother had had "little" if any ante-natal care.   This was another lie and doctors reports from this mothers surgery and reports from both wyong and gosford hospital proved this also.

Human Services Legal Staff will now write a letter to our nameservers whinging again about this picture - they will say we can't put it up because this child was involved in proceedings - but under the legislation ANY CHILD THAT MAY BECOME SUBJECT TO CARE PROCEEDINGS may not have their photo published.

This means that no child in Australia may have their photo published because Human Services MAY take legal action in the future.  Are these guys for real?  This child should have never been taken and as a result never have been subject to care proceedings. 

This beautiful baby was not allowed her colostrum.  Was not allowed to be breastfed.  Was not even allowed to be looked at or held by her own family for the first four miserable days of her life.  They even stole her brand new clothes.  She was denied her right as a baby to her family, a mothers bond and her breastmilk.  And as far as Linda Burney stating no child is taken without prior investigation, the recording of this situation proves Linda, you are a liar. 

This baby was not allowed to go home for almost 5 months of her life.  There was no reason for it.  There was no investigation.  All there was was DOCs caseworkers and managers, and legal representatives adjourning the case further and further in order to cause as much possible harm to both mother and baby, and father and family as possible.  This mother, and the babys father, and family had to pay over $40,000 to have their beautiful baby girl returned.

This mother is not alone, nor is this baby.  This is an every day happening with the Department of Community Services, and their co-conspirators at various hospitals around NSW particularly Randwick, Gosford and Wyong.  Tweed Heads is up there also ... they take babies from parents who haven't even had children!

Chrystal Bell - Cootamundra DoCS worst caseworker finally sacked!

A big thank you for the DoCS Management who finally sacked Chrystal Bell from the Cootamundra DoCS Office.  Chrystal Bell, a young DoCS Worker, originally joined the neonazi child stealers to have her own child returned after she fell victim to the department some years ago.

Chrystal Bell had over 200 complaints about her work ethics in just a few short years, but it took this many official complaints before something was done.  What ever happened to the three warnings that government workers used to get, before they were given the boot?  This is why we call it child trafficking and not child protection, which it is supposed to be.
