
Murder, abuse, organized crime, racketeering, corrupt judges, attorneys, guardian adlitem, child protection services, mental health care providers, and anyone else who stands to make a profit on the backs of our children! Guilty!!! - CPS has a very large stake as well…

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CPS has a very large stake as well…
Did you know that when CPS generates business for outside agencies or services, like the sleep study performed on my 5-year-old son JOSEPH, or even when they contract for a mental health evaluation (which you can be sure they do for each and every case), they get directly compensated?  That’s right, they collect a 50% administrative fee for each and every service they refer to agencies outside their own; and even for services performed by their own staff (anger classes, parenting classes, etc.).  This is perfectly legal and completely authorized by Title IV of the Social Security act.  Oh, and by the way, these federal funds amount to nothing less that an I.O.U. to the Social Security Trust Fund – since it is common knowledge that there is NO MONEY in that fund at the present time.  Our Federal Government simply prints the money (or they borrow it from CHINA) as needed.  Of course CPS and other Federal and State level Health and Human Services organizations benefit financially and in many other ways from the legally kidnapping of our children.  What about “job Security?”  No kids, no job!  Bringing an end to these unnecessary programs would mean insurmountable job loss; and I mean it when I tell you that there are county agencies – even entire states that have propped themselves up on these programs (on the backs of our children folks).  Cutting off these federal funds “cold-turkey”would be devastating to many state and local governments, but it MUST be done.  We cannot put a price on the life of a child or a value on the health and/or the very existence of a family unit! PERIOD!

This is a Hundred-Billion Dollar industry to be sure.  Think about that for just one second!  Maybe a few minutes. But I digress…  back to JOSEPH and his inexcusable torture at the hands of Julie Riggins and Wake County Human Services.

Julie Riggins a Social Worker for Child Protective Services approached my wife and I to inform us that JOSEPH would be needing tubes in his ears and would also need his tonsils and adenoids removed.  This according to their Wake County CPS doctor.  We were never invited to attend this appointment and therefore we informed Julie Riggins that we would not consent to this elective surgery.  Julie Riggins later testified in court that this surgery was not elective but rather it was medically necessary according to their doctor.  I argued that we had never met this doctor and we may wish to seek a second opinion.  The Judge ordered that my wife and I visit with this doctor and/or seek a second opinion.

At the meeting with the doctor, it was very specifically and clearly explained that all of these proposed procedures were completely elective and would absolutely not harm JOSEPH whatsoever if we chose not to move forward.  It was further offered that the doctor schedule a sleep study to determine if JOSEPH (RIGHT) was losing any sleep or suffering from sleep apnea.  We declined.  We did offer however that we were not completely opposed to the recommended surgery, if JOSEPH could at least have his mother present and could spend at least four days recovering with his mother in her home.  Otherwise we would prefer to delay and revisit these options in 6 months (all the children would likely be home before then).  Julie Riggins and CPS declined.  Do they really think she would “run off” with our son after a major surgery and leave behind her other 6 children???

In any case, it was ultimately decided that we were not willing to move ahead with the surgery under the current circumstances and that we did not see any need for a sleep study at this time.

Julie Riggins and CPS went ahead and scheduled the sleep study regardless of our position on the matter.  we objected, to no avail.  During a later visit with JOSEPH (LEFT – YELLOW JACKET), he was describing to me that he was having a hard time hearing out of the ear in question.  I spoke with him at length and ultimately told him that we would take care of his ear immediately so he could hear better.  I communicated this to Julie Riggins on that evening and asked her to cancel the sleep study as we would be going forward with the surgery after all.  She acknowledged and we discussed the next steps over the coming weeks.

Next thing I know the sleep study is on.  I could not understand why there was a need to put our son JOSEPH through  such an invasive study/procedure, especially with the surgery set to take place in a few weeks.  Julie Riggins set this up while I was on a mission trip to Guatemala knowing I would be out of the country and could not easily mount opposition to this with the court.