
Another two year old toddler killed in care of DoCS NSW

Another toddler has drowned in foster care after being removed from his loving mother just three weeks earlier.  Many mainstream news outlets have publicised the death, but there has not been one mention that the child, Braxton, was prematurely taken from his mother, prior to supports being provided as per usual, and placed in the care of more lousy and careless foster carers who only care for the money the child will bring them, and not the child himself.

Time and time again, children die in the so-called "care" of the department, without anybody being held accountable.

Braxton was only two years old and his life was taken by the agency that purports to be there to protect children.  It is time charges are laid for carers who kill children in their care.

Life Without Barriers was responsible for Braxtons placement with his fostercarers that ultimately led to his death.  Coroner photos of the place show a filthy green pool lacking adequate safe fencing that had obviously been in a state of disrepair for months prior to Braxton drowning in it.  There were also drugs and empty beer cans strewn all through the putrid house.

To this day, neither the fostercarers responsible for this tragedy - or the NGO - have been charged with his reckless death.

LWB has a long history of children being raped and dying u der their watch but somehow manage to keep their multimillion dollar for profit business of trafficking children. Maybe this is due to those who originally formed the organisation - regardless of it’s massive conflict of interest.  

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