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Title Hits
"How many parents were offered PRCs (Parental Responsibility Contracts) prior to having their children removed from their care?" 4663
"What client type receives more Legal Aid assistance? The criminal or families?" 4683
"To all Social Services / Child Protection Services / Department of Child Services / Human Services Worldwide :" 4694
"Heather at Coffs Harbour Community Services removing children because house is untidy and yard has some garbage." 4713
"International Bankers & World War II" 4717
"Campbelltown Hospital breaching Mandatory Policy Directives and Abusing Newborn Babies" 4728
Accountability Demanded – NYC Foster Children AIDS drug trials 4741
"Rapist father’s good behaviour sentence bungle overturned " 4765
"My story about DoCS" 4768
Why Won't Linda Burney Answer These Questions !!! What Are You Hiding Minister for Child Trafficking? 4779
Australian High Court rules the constitution BANS mandatory vaccination 4780
"How did a Mother Lose Custody of her Only Child and what was the Abuse by the Grandparents?" 4781
Man, 31, sentenced to 70 years jail for filming, uploading sex with one-year-old relative 4783
Government tested AIDS drugs on foster kids 4796
"Heiner Affair: Carmody Says Labor Covered Up Child Sex" 4797
"Australia government says NO to children having the right to seek assistance from the United Nations for human rights violations" 4798
CatholicCare BabySnatchers Top 10 4818
It will be another sad and lonely Christmas for both Emily and Julie Brown. 4820
18.3 Maternity departments 4842
"Do the state Law Society's turn a Blind Eye on Professional Misconduct ?" 4848
"Texas Paternity Fraud: I’m Not the Father So Why the Child Support? Progress!" 4910
St Marys DoCS Wins LowLifes of the Week Again 4913