
"Who is the Bigger ScrewUp? The DoCS Workers or the Foster Carers who make Kids call them Mum?"

yournotmurealmumFor those already privvy to the "Child Protection" system, you would already be aware that the Case Workers with DoCS or DCS or DCF or whatever they are, no matter where they are in the world get off on forcing kids to call carers "mum".  Its really quite sick and distressing particularly given how much most kids seem to shoved from pillar to post in the foster care system.  We at Alecomm know a (now) four year old boy who has had six "mums" since he was kidnapped from his own real mother.  You think thats not going to screw a kid up?

Whats even better is that they then force the children to call their real parents by their first name.  They even do it to grandmothers.  Having kids call their grandparents by their first name is just not on, not only does it confuse the child to no end, it is totally disrespectful.  If i had called my grandmother by her first name when i was a young child i would have been in a lot of trouble.  Having our apparent "child protection" workers, the ones that proclaim to care for kids, eforcing this type of behaviour is just plain low. 

"Political Assassins get $750,000 in Legal Aid - but boy murdered by Queensland Government gets told to pay for himself."

Luke Borusieiwicz was murdered under the (apparent) care of Queensland Child Safety over three years ago.  His father had beat drugs and alcohol, found work, obtained suitable accommodation but as usual, the thugs we have come to know as Child Protection weren't interested.  So they placed Luke with a 74 year old woman who had numerous other children in her care.  Luke was the youngest.

For weeks his father Michael sighted his son with bruises and abrasions, even on his private parts.  He notified Child Safety immediately on each occasion however his notifications were ignored, much as they do with any parent whom they have removed children from.  Child Safety / Child Protection do not like being told that they are doing more harm to a child than good and will go to extreme lengths to cover it up.

A few weeks later Luke Borusieiwicz was beaten into a coma with multiple head injuries, and there was no chance of Luke living.

"Support Jadeine's Fight Against DoCS NSW Tweed Heads"

Please DoCS NSW Tweed Heads DoCS Give my Brothers and Sisters Back

Below is the heartbreaking story of Jadeine.  Written by Jadeine, asking, begging, for help for her and her family.  The Department of Community Services NSW tore her family apart some time ago.  They separated her from all her brothers and sisters, and her parents, because of false allegations, and now false allegations, still unproven by JIRT.  DoCS NSW refuse to concede they were wrong and have moved half the siblings interstate to make it as difficult as possible for the children to see their parents.  To add insult to injury they're now trying to stop ALL CONTACT.  Seven more children; lives destroyed because the government refuses to prove beyond reasonable doubt that there truly is abuse happening to children before they remove them.  Even after removal, and after allegations can be disproved, DoCS still do not return children, even if the magistrate orders their return.  What is this world coming to.  ... Here's Jadeine's story - the young girl who should be out having fun and obtaining an education, who instead spends each and every day of her young life worried about her brothers and sisters she is now only allowed to see six times per year!


"Why are DoCS Caseworkers only interested in cases of "alleged" abuse by bio-parents and not foster-carers"


In the world of "Child Protection" one has to wonder the above question.  I mean seriously, if Child Protection workers are truly interested in protecting children, then why do they constantly ignore and coverup abuse of children whom they have placed?  Wouldn't it make more sense to just address the issue, and maybe even admit that they have made a mistake instead of blatantly covering up what has happened, or even worse, ignoring what is going on just because DoCS have made a bad placement.

So many children are being left in Out of Home Care placements where there is abuse, including sexual abuse.  Life Without Barriers and the Department of Community Services recently left a child in a placement where she was sexually abused by a visiting family member, yet they take children from their mothers for exactly the same incident happening, stating that they failed to protect their children?

"DHS Victoria allowed unlimited Bites at the Apple"

It must be good to be the king!Why is it that DHS Victoria are allowed multiple bites at the apple, fully funded by the tax-payers, when the public have to scrounge for the most basic legal aid assistance?

Recent documentation shows that DHS Victoria, namely Albury & Wodonga, have had over twenty FAILED attempts at proving a baby was in need.

There has never been any establishment to even prove that there was a need for the child to be in protection in any case, and furthermore all orders relating to the child - who is now three years old - are expired.

DHS Victoria still refuse to hand the child back to the mother.

It would appear that legal kidnap is happening here because they haven't proven that there was a need for the child to be placed in foster care in the first place, and the hearing that should have happened over two years ago to prove this, has an appeal in place for the same amount of time.

This means that DHS are currently being allowed to adjourn matters where there is no orders, and and continue to make out there is a case when there is not, to keep a child in care, that they haven't even proven need care in the first place.

Must be good to be the king!

"DoCS Gosford send Non-Autistic boy to Autistic School at Terrigal"

DoCS Gosford, Catherine Thraves and Co., have just recently enrolled a young boy, who DOES NOT HAVE AUTISM, into Aspect Central Coast - a school for children with autism at Terrigal.

You see, after stealing the child at a young age (for the second time), after the mother won restoration in District Court, they placed the young boy in a foster home of at least eight children.  Most of them have autism or some other intellectual disability.

This boy, is the youngest of eight children, and now as he is (obviously) mimmicking the behaviours of the older intellectually disabled children, DoCS Gosford have decided that he has autism and shall go to an autism school too.

What most people fail to see, is that the carers get around $500 per fortnight more, minimum, to have children with a disability in their care.  So of course, to have this innocent boy as assessed as having autism makes "good $en$e" now, doesn't it.

"My Bad Experience with DCP West Australia"

Hi Hannible and other victims. I have a horror story and I just found this forum. Sit down before you read this. In November 2005 I seperated amicably from my ex. I have 2 daughters with her and she had a 5 yo boy J when I met her. Upon moving out of the family home 15yo J decided he did not want to stay with his mother and threatened to move in with some known druggos down the road so I agreed to let him come live with me. My 2 daughters aged 8 T and 6 A stayed with mother and visited me every second weekend and so on.

6 months later mother decides she wants to move to Brisbane to be with her belligerent Samoan clan members. I refused to let her take the children interstate and next thing you know she is in Hilary's police station making allegations of child abuse. In about March 2006 I get a call from the police on my way home from work telling me I am under investigation and not to go near my kids. Around the same time I noticed J acting odd and becoming withdrawn. The cops land 3 VRO's on me 1 for her and each of the children. I confront J with the dilemna and he discloses that his mother had ambushed him at Aranmore Catholic College and threatened to have him beaten up if he doesn't take sides with her and help get the kids to Queensland.

I reported this to the so called Child Protection squad as it was then known and they ignored. Shortly prior to all this when the mother announced her plans I managed to obtain a full email file off the mothers computer and put it away basically forgotten. After getting the bad news I put thew eamil file into a computer and found several emails showing the mother cooking up allegations with 3 other female members of the clan. Her mother sister and auntie. I called the cops and told them we had evidence of a conspiracy to pervert the course of justice and still they ignored and refused to bring us in for an interview.

I went to the DCD office in Joondalup and insisted they interview me which was probably a mistake as the man hating feminist Kay Mander spoke to me for about 6 minutes then concocted a bullshit report and ran that into the family court claiming I was "obviously the overbearing partner in the relationship"

"73 at-risk children die in Queensland "

A QUEENSLAND child who had been placed in the care of an alleged sex offender was one of scores of children known to the state's child protection system who died in the year to July.

The Queensland Child Death Case Review Committee's 2011/12 annual report shows 73 children - from babies to 17-year-olds - died in the year who were known to the Department of Child Safety, eight more than the year before.

Of the 73, 27 died of disease or morbid conditions, five died of sudden infant death syndrome and undetermined causes, 11 perished in transport incidents, five drowned, four were fatally assaulted, and six committed suicide, one of whom was just nine years old.

The committee commended the department for carrying out "sufficiently comprehensive" responses to 63 of the children while they were alive. It said a further six cases were sufficient but contained minor errors.

"The DOCS/FACS NSW Protest against Corruption"

never give up small 09be5Day ONE:
Meet at 9.00 am on 27 August 2013 outside the Downing Centre Criminal Courts 143-147 Liverpool Street SYDNEY.
This is the day that Jim Moore disgraced former Director General of DOCS/FACS NSW goes on trial for Domestic Violence - The Media will be in attendance to cover his trial.

Day TWO:
Protest continues outside the Electoral office of Pru Goward.
Meet at 10.00 am
288 Bong Bong Street BOWRAL NSW

This is a chance for all of us to unite in protest and present our struggle to the Media for our children. We need all family members victimised by DOCS/FACS NSW to attend, and ask that everyone be well dressed and well behaved - NO offensive language as we need to impress the media.

This will be our chance to be heard by the media.

Please start making plans for this protest and preparing your Banners to highlight the extensive failures of DOCS/FACS NSW.

"Is the system so stacked against parents, that even the innocent ones do not stand a chance of having their children returned ?"

Too many fingers in the pie eb2caIs it Collusion?  Or is it actually "Bad Parenting" ? Which is what Ms Pru Goward, NSW Minister for Community Services continues to tell the media each time she is interviewed.  Well let's look at the stats obtained over the past four years, anonymously, and without bias or assistance, for the purpose of just that.

Multitudes of parents tell the same story, time and time again.  And a quick view of the Preliminary DoCS Complaints Registers seem to back this up - with over five hundred complaints now listed against Child Protection workers in almost every state in Australia.  Most parents also believe that the Independent Children's Lawyer colludes with child protection also - as does the Court Reporter's who get up to and over fifteen thousand dollars for writing reports that suit the agenda of the department. 

"Foster parents blow whistle on Families SA"

FIRST ON 7: A network of former foster parents who have had children removed from their care has blown the whistle on a crisis within Families SA.

They claim the system is unjust and destroying lives - and the Minister concedes improvements need to be made.

While they can’t be identified, the foster parents have cared for hundreds of children over decades.

They are also united in the grief of having children forcibly removed.

“She was taken from our place kicking and screaming, singing out our names,” one woman told 7News.

Another said she was given a 35-minute window to pack her clothes, and described the removal as being ‘like a tragic death’.

Some of the carers had raised the children from babies.

In each case, allegations were made and the parents felt immediately labelled guilty.

“They said we were only in it for the money, and yet we weren’t only in it for the money – we loved those kids dearly with all our hearts,” one woman said.

They said they felt bullied, and don’t have an avenue to prove their innocence.

"Can you spot the propaganda??? "

"What would the caseworker do if they think that the child is not in immediate danger, but they would be unsafe if they continued to live in that house?"

The caseworker could apply for an Apprehended Violence Order (AVO). The advantages of an AVO in this case is that the alleged abuser can be ordered to leave the house, rather than requiring the child to leave.  PROPAGANDA!  In most cases DoCS remove the children altogether - citing the mother has not displayed protective behaviours - and routinely gives the children to the abuser or the abusers family.

If the caseworker doesn't think an AVO would be enough to protect the child or young person, they may consider making a Care Application to the Children’s Court for an order that the child live somewhere else until it's safe again.  PROPAGANDA again.  Their first resort is to make a care application to the children's court - and this is after they have removed the children.
