Global denial of treatment for Covid responsible for millions of deaths worldwide

Big Pharma Cartel - Photos | FacebookThis is the advice of the World Health Organisation - and practically every other corporation and government in the world.  

This is not treating Covid, or even attempting to minimise it.  This is nothing.  If you wonder why so many people have died from it, consider asking your local government why those infected with Covid are denied life-saving medical attention until they are that sick they are required to be admitted to hospital - in many cases, it is much to late to do anything about the disease.

Have you ever heard of ANY disease that there is no treatment provided prior to being admitted to hospital?  No.  Because this is an absolute joke.  Apparently the ONLY treatment for Covid is listed below - OR A VACCINE.  A vaccine which cannot help you get rid of it, cannot prevent you from even catching it and cannot even prevent you from transmitting it.

  • Self-care
  • After exposure to someone who has COVID-19, do the following:
  • Call your health care provider or COVID-19 hotline to find out where and when to get a test.
  • Cooperate with contact-tracing procedures to stop the spread of the virus.
  • If testing is not available, stay home and away from others for 14 days.
  • While you are in quarantine, do not go to work, to school or to public places. Ask someone to bring you supplies.
  • Keep at least a 1-metre distance from others, even from your family members.
  • Wear a medical mask to protect others, including if/when you need to seek medical care.
  • Clean your hands frequently.
  • Stay in a separate room from other family members, and if not possible, wear a medical mask.
  • Keep the room well-ventilated.
  • If you share a room, place beds at least 1 metre apart.
  • Monitor yourself for any symptoms for 14 days.
  • Call your health care provider immediately if you have any of these danger signs: difficulty breathing, loss of speech or mobility, confusion or chest pain.
  • Stay positive by keeping in touch with loved ones by phone or online, and by exercising at home.

Medical treatments:

Scientists around the world are working to find and develop treatments for COVID-19. 

Optimal supportive care includes oxygen for severely ill patients and those who are at risk for severe disease and more advanced respiratory support such as ventilation for patients who are critically ill.
Dexamethasone is a corticosteroid that can help reduce the length of time on a ventilator and save lives of patients with severe and critical illness.

WHO does not recommend self-medication with any medicines, including antibiotics, as a prevention or cure for COVID-19.